Week 2 - Ingesting Data with Mage

What is Mage?

Mage is an orchestration tool in the same vein as Airflow. What makes it different is that unlike Airflow is a general orchestration tool which is often used to run data pipelines, Mage is an orchestration tool purpose built for data pipelines.

Mage makes writing data pipelines easy and fun.

It accomplishes this by making the development experience seamless by having most of the common building blocks built in, so that developers can focus on business logic instead of reinventing the wheel with every pipeline.

For example there are built in data loading templates for all the popular data sources.

What is an ETL?

ETL stands for Extract Transform Load, it represents a type of data pipeline where the data is extracted from the source, transformed AKA cleaned and then loaded into a data warehouse.

ETL is the most common type of data pipeline, the other being ELT (Extract - Load - Transform) where data is loaded raw and transformed inside of the data warehouse.

ETL is best used when you know what the shape of the needed data looks like, because it does not store all of the incoming data.

If you don't know what data you might need in the future or if the data needs are likely to change, the ELT method is preferable because once the data is loaded in the data warehouse you can manipulate it however you like and still have the raw data available if you decide that you needed one of the values you previously thought was irrelevant.

How to run locally?

You can setup a local Mage instance by copying the official template repo.

I'll add the commands here for easy access.

git clone https://github.com/mage-ai/compose-quickstart.git mage-quickstart \
&& cd mage-quickstart \
&& cp dev.env .env && rm dev.env \
&& docker compose up

Since we are going to be using it with Snowflake, we're going to also install the optional mage-ai/Snowflake package.

pip install "mage-ai[snowflake]"

You can also add the following to your requirements.txt file.


How to configure?

Mage config are stored in the io_config.yaml file in the project directory.
This file has default setups for every supported service, just add your own values.
I am going to add mine as environmental variables.

# Snowflake
SNOWFLAKE_USER: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME') }}" # required
SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD') }}" # required
SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_REGION') }}" # required
SNOWFLAKE_DEFAULT_DB: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_DB') }}" # required
SNOWFLAKE_ROLE: "{{ env_var('SNOWFLAKE_ROLE') }}" # required

How to create a pipeline?

After firing up the mage instance via docker compose, navigate to the http://localhost:6789/.
Once there click on + New Pipeline and then on Standard(batch).
New Pipeline>Standard

After clicking Standard(batch) you will be redirected to the new pipeline edit page.

How to Load Data?

To load data from a file, you will need one of the built-in templates Data Loder > Python > Local file.

Data Loader > Python > Local file

The following code will be generated.

from mage_ai.io.file import FileIO
if 'data_loader' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import data_loader
if 'test' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import test

def load_data_from_file(*args, **kwargs):
Template for loading data from filesystem.
Load data from 1 file or multiple file directories.

For multiple directories, use the following:
FileIO().load(file_directories=['dir_1', 'dir_2'])

Docs: https://docs.mage.ai/design/data-loading#fileio

filepath = 'path/to/your/file.csv'
return FileIO().load(filepath)


def test_output(output, *args) -> None:
Template code for testing the output of the block.

assert output is not None, 'The output is undefined'

This code will take a local file path and return a FileIO object.

What we need is a block that will read data from a file via a url, load it into a pandas dataframe and return that instead.
From this starting template it's quite easy to add our desired functionality.

from mage_ai.io.file import FileIO
if 'data_loader' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import data_loader
if 'test' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import test
import pandas as pd

def load_data_from_file(*args, **kwargs):
Template for loading data from urls.
Load data from 1 file via url.

For multiple directories, run the same block multiple
times with single dates.

# Runtime variables are passed via kwargs
month = kwargs.get("month")
year = kwargs.get("year")

date = f'{year}-{month}'

url = f'https://github.com/DataTalksClub/nyc-tlc-data/releases/download/green/green_tripdata_{date}.csv.gz'

# Assigning explicit dtypes greatly reduces memory usage of the dataframe
taxi_dtypes = {
	'VendorID': float,
	'store_and_fwd_flag': str,
	'RatecodeID': float,
	'PULocationID': float,
	'DOLocationID': float,
	'passenger_count': float,
	'trip_distance': float,
	'fare_amount': float,
	'extra': float,
	'mta_tax': float,
	'tip_amount': float,
	'tolls_amount': float,
	'ehail_fee': float,
	'improvement_surcharge': float,
	'total_amount': float,
	'payment_type': float,
	'trip_type': float,
	'congestion_surcharge': float

parse_dates = ['lpep_pickup_datetime', 'lpep_dropoff_datetime']

df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=',', compression='gzip', parse_dates=parse_dates)
df = df.astype(taxi_dtypes)

return df
def test_output(output, *args) -> None:
Template code for testing the output of the block.

assert output is not None, 'The output is undefined'
assert output.shape[0] > 0, 'The output dataframe is empty'

How to Transform Data?

Adding the transform block works the same as with the data loader block, this time the block we are going to use is Transformer > Row Actions > Remove Rows.

Transformer > Row Actions > Remove Rows

The autogenerated code will look something like this.

from mage_ai.data_cleaner.transformer_actions.base import BaseAction
from mage_ai.data_cleaner.transformer_actions.constants import ActionType, Axis
from mage_ai.data_cleaner.transformer_actions.utils import build_transformer_action
from pandas import DataFrame

if 'transformer' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import transformer
if 'test' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import test

def execute_transformer_action(df: DataFrame, *args, **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
Execute Transformer Action: ActionType.REMOVE

Docs: https://docs.mage.ai/guides/transformer-blocks#remove-rows

action = build_transformer_action(
	options={'rows': []}, # Specify indices of rows to remove

return BaseAction(action).execute(df)

def test_output(output, *args) -> None:
Template code for testing the output of the block.
assert output is not None, 'The output is undefined'

This code is already doing something we want, removing columns. There are multiple different build_transformer_actions like this and since they output a dataframe you can string multiple together.

For this specific use case I'm going to stick to using pandas for clarity.

from mage_ai.data_cleaner.transformer_actions.base import BaseAction
from mage_ai.data_cleaner.transformer_actions.constants import ActionType, Axis
from mage_ai.data_cleaner.transformer_actions.utils import build_transformer_action
from pandas import DataFrame, to_datetime

if 'transformer' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import transformer
if 'test' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import test

def execute_transformer_action(df: DataFrame, *args, **kwargs) -> DataFrame:
Clean up df for new york green taxis. 

Docs: https://docs.mage.ai/guides/transformer-blocks#remove-columns

action_one = build_transformer_action(
	arguments=['extra', 'mat_tax', 'ehail_fee', 'improvement_surcharge', 'congestion_surcharge'],

df = BaseAction(action_one).execute(df)

# Rename columns
new_column_names = {
	"VendorID": "vendor_id",
	"lpep_pickup_datetime": "pickup_datetime",
	"lpep_dropoff_datetime": "dropoff_datetime",
	"RatecodeID": "rate_code_id",
	"PULocationID": "pickup_location",
	"DOLocationID": "dropoff_location",

df = df.rename(columns=new_column_names)

month = kwargs.get("month")
year = kwargs.get("year")


# Drop rows with invalid values
df = df[df['pickup_datetime'].dt.year == int(year)]
df = df[df['dropoff_datetime'].dt.year == int(year)]

df = df[df['pickup_datetime'].dt.month == int(month)]
df = df[df['dropoff_datetime'].dt.month == int(month)]

return df

def test_output(output, *args) -> None:
Template code for testing the output of the block.

assert output is not None, 'The output is undefined'
assert isinstance(output, DataFrame), 'The output is not a DataFrame'
assert output.shape[0] > 0, 'The output DataFrame is not empty'

How to Export Data to Snowflake?

Same deal, add export block. This time it's Data Export > Python > Snowflake.

Data Export > Python > Snowflake

The generate code should look like this.

from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from mage_ai.io.config import ConfigFileLoader
from mage_ai.io.snowflake import Snowflake
from pandas import DataFrame
from os import path

if 'data_exporter' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import data_exporter

def export_data_to_snowflake(df: DataFrame, **kwargs) -> None:
Template for exporting data to a Snowflake warehouse.
Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.

Docs: https://docs.mage.ai/design/data-loading#snowflake

table_name = 'your_table_name'
database = 'your_database_name'
schema = 'your_schema_name'

config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
config_profile = 'default'

with Snowflake.with_config(ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)) as loader:
		if_exists='replace', # Specify resolution policy if table already exists

We now have to modify it to suit our needs, in this case we don't need to change much, just the names of the database and the if_exists policy.

from mage_ai.settings.repo import get_repo_path
from mage_ai.io.config import ConfigFileLoader
from mage_ai.io.snowflake import Snowflake
from pandas import DataFrame
from os import path

if 'data_exporter' not in globals():
from mage_ai.data_preparation.decorators import data_exporter

def export_data_to_snowflake(df: DataFrame, **kwargs) -> None:
Template for exporting data to a Snowflake warehouse.
Specify your configuration settings in 'io_config.yaml'.

Docs: https://docs.mage.ai/design/data-loading#snowflake

table_name = 'WEEK_2_DE_ZC_TABLE'
database = 'WEEK_2_DE_ZC_DB'
schema = 'WEEK_2_DE_ZC_DB_SCHEMA'

config_path = path.join(get_repo_path(), 'io_config.yaml')
config_profile = 'default'

with Snowflake.with_config(ConfigFileLoader(config_path, config_profile)) as loader:
		if_exists='append', # append will append data to an exisiting table, replace will replace the table with the new one. 

If this blocks doesn't work as expected make sure that the io.config.yaml is set up correctly.

How to run the pipeline?

We are going to trigger the pipeline using a api call to trigger the pipelines, we are going to do this using a simple python script.

Creating the Trigger

But first we need to add a trigger, this is done in the the trigger tab.
Trigger Tab

Once in the trigger page, click New Trigger.
New Trigger

Once the trigger creation menu loads, select the type as api.

Trigger API

Then make sure to enable the trigger and to save it.

Enable and Save Trigger

Trigger the pipeline

For this exercise we are going to use the api call to ingest a whole quarter worth of taxi data, so we need to make sure that the script understands what a quarter is and it delivers that information to the triggered pipeline.

import requests
import sys

def get_quarter(quarter: int):

	if quarter == 1:
		return ["01", "02", "03"]
	elif quarter == 2:
		return ["04", "05", "06"]
	elif quarter == 3:
		return ["07", "08", "09"]
	elif quarter == 4:
		return ["10", "11", "12"]
		raise ValueError("Invalid quarter")

def ingest_month(year: str, month: str):

	url = "http://localhost:6789/api/pipeline_schedules/5/pipeline_runs/72ebbf5d21964c72b4fb48ff63f87e2e"
	headers = {
	"Content-Type": "application/json"
	data = {
	"pipeline_run": {
		"variables": {
			"year": year,
			"month": month

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

if __name__ == "__main__":

	year = sys.argv[1]
	quarter = int(sys.argv[2])
	months = get_quarter(quarter)
	for month in months:
		print(f"Ingesting data for month {month}")
		ingest_month(year, month)

To run this script use the following command.

python3 ingest_quarter.py <year> <quarter>

The full code

The full code is available here.


Week 3 - Snowflake SQL ( coming soon )